John R. Mabry
author / songwriter / spiritual director

What's New?

THE WHERE, THE WHO & THE WHAT: A GNOSTIC SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL / What if the Gnostic myth were true? What every everything you thought was real...wasn’t? / Seth St. John is a young man with problems: He is recovering from religious trauma that has left him with crippling Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, he works a dead-end job and lives on top ramen, his best friend is crashing on his couch, his girlfriend is pressuring him to make a commitment, and his landlord has ordered him to get rid of his dog. He feels like he’s on a hamster wheel, with no end in sight and no real meaning in his life. When he receives an invitation to join a secret society, he sees a lifeline to something...more. But he has no idea just how much the secret society’s “secrets” will make his world, his reality, and his sanity unravel. Grounded in the universe described by the gnostic text The Apocryphon of John, Seth discovers that there are dark powers controlling his world, and that he and everyone he knows is hurtling toward a sinister end... The Where, the Who & the What is a science fiction novel, yes. But it is also a book about religious abuse, about annoyingly stubborn friendships, and about resisting the powers inside us and outside us that seek our undoing. / Available in paperback and ebook.
I'm much more interested in people reading my books and hearing my music than I am in making money. So while I don't give away everything for free, I do give away all first books in my series, and you can choose to pay $0 for music. Just click on the button below to download lots of free goodies.
NO STRANGER / Written and recorded entirely since our move to New York, I think this is my best solo work to date. Featuring brutally honest songs about faith and vulnerability, this is not your typical Christian rock album. If you love Bruce Cockburn, T Bone Burnett, or Mark Heard, this is an album for you. / Available in CD or any of your favorite streaming platforms at